HAPPY THUGGISH PAKI is an effervescent animated rap-video that starts with the artist, Hardeep Pandhal talking about the mechanics of modern animation, before we switch to a 1980s Pacman cartoon and then enter into a free-associative biographical rap that's by turns hilarious and provocative. There's imagery of a turban-wearing muslim man being hung in front of the White House and this switches to ruminations on masturbation in your bedroom or filling in tax returns. All the while a sample of Ms Pacman squealing "Paki/Paci" squeals in the background. The visual and lyrical references are deep and I certainly didn't catch them all, but I really loved the experience. The rap ends, we're back into the animator's studio and we get an even more random shot of him trying to remember the names of kids he was at school with from an old photo. We've all been there, but why here and now?!
HAPPY THUGGISH PAKI has a running time of 21 minutes.
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